Thursday Birding

Our birding, wildflower, geology, social group meets every Thursday in the north parking lot of Cherry Lane Mall (north of Warren Ave. and east of Atkinson St.) 9:00 AM starting Sept 13/18 & continuing through the cooler months). Be prepared to car pool and offer a donation to the driver. Trips range from ‘car birding’ to easy strolls to moderate hikes. Bring a lunch and dress for the weather. Everyone welcome! Pets are not appropriate.

Non-members are required to take out a day membership (cost $1.00).

Leaders: Jim Shaver, Paul G., Bob H., Charmaine F.

Meet at Warren & Atkinson at 9:00 am. dress for the weather, bring lunch, water, sunscreen, etc. Most trips will be finished after lunch.
currently 9:00 AM (starting Sept 13/18)